Your Trusted Partner Through All Market Cycles
Experienced and Reliable Partner, Over the Last Three Decades of Market Cycles
Weatherstone Capital Management is a boutique investment manager providing actively managed investment strategies designed with risk mitigation in mind, while cautiously building and preserving wealth for investors who want to take a balanced approach to investing. We are built for advisors as a full suite of portfolio strategies designed to alleviate the complexities of portfolio selection. We offer tactical investment strategies that have experienced multiple bear markets and are designed to protect and cautiously grow money for investors who want to take a more cautious approach to investing. We also offer strategic investment portfolios designed to more fully participate in the market while using market fluctuations to opportunistically adjust the portfolios to benefit from opportunities that arise in individual companies during the course of a market cycle.

Accessing Weatherstone’s Investment Strategies
Our investment programs are available either directly managed by Weatherstone at Schwab, Axos Advisory Services, or on various custodial and broker/dealer platforms including Envestnet, Adhesion Wealth, SmartX, and others. Our investment professionals and dedicated support staff are here to help you work with your clients to maximize investment outcomes through all market cycles.