

The presidential election is traditionally held on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November. Holding the election on the Tuesday after the first Monday of the month assured that the election would never be held on the first day of the month. This was preferred since many business owners completed their books on the…

Structural Challenges Facing U.S. Fiscal Policy

Structural Challenges Facing U.S. Fiscal Policy

The recent failure of the Super Committee to come to an agreement has brought our nation’s fiscal crisis front and center. A look into the categories that encompass the United States’ spending will show that the challenge is much more than cutting $1.2 trillion from the deficit. The origin of fiscal policy was to allow…

Europe, the Ghost of 2008’s Crisis

Europe, the Ghost of 2008’s Crisis

In looking back at the 2008 U.S. financial crisis we can draw some similarities with the current situation in Europe.  The 2008 crisis was caused by over-leveraged banks and financial institutions left holding toxic assets after the real estate bubble popped and the economy peaked.  The main culprits who suffered the worst in the crisis were Lehman…

Risk On/Risk Off

Risk On/Risk Off

The market action over the past few weeks has been downright awful.  In fact, if you look at the performance over the past four weeks, with the S&P 500 index down -16.47%, it is the 9th worst four week performance since 1951.  In looking at the eight cases that were worse, one was in the…