Adapting to a Changing Interest Rate Environment

Adapting to a Changing Interest Rate Environment

One of the lingering effects of our last financial crisis and recession is the historically low interest rates we are currently seeing.  While the current interest rate environment is quite favorable for borrowers who are able to get loans, it is another story for savers and fixed income investors who are seeing the lowest levels…

Playing Chicken with a Global Recession

Playing Chicken with a Global Recession

As we have been going through this year we have regularly discussed the challenges that we are seeing from an increasingly evident global slowdown.  We have seen the risks steadily rising and several policy responses from Central Banks around the world.  With the stakes for investors in equity markets being very high, I want to…

Turning Japanese

Turning Japanese

On June 4th, 2012 Bill Gross, aka the “Bond King,” tweeted: “Global Bond Markets are turning Japanese, I think they’re turning Japanese, I really think so.”  Mr. Gross was referring to the similarities between the Japanese bond market and other international bond markets which include high debt levels, extremely low and at times negative real…

A Temporary Stall?

A Temporary Stall?

Imagine if you were on a trip flying in an airplane and the engines suddenly quit.  Although the plane is still making forward progress it has become uncomfortably quiet and you are beginning to descend.   You know that if the engines are not restarted soon that there could be disastrous consequences.  The pilot comes on…

Deja Vu

Deja Vu

Fittingly, déjà vu is a French term meaning “already seen.”  It is the experience of thinking that a new situation had occurred before.All was quiet on the western front for the first few months of 2012, and on the surface the global economy was on the mend.  However, in early May, French and Greek elections…