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2018 Year End Commentary
“Roads? Where We’re Going, We Don’t Need Roads” If time travel with Marty McFly and…
Late October 2018 Special Market Update
October 26, 2018Special Market Update The Current Decline, Market Outlook, and the Weatherstone Investment Strategy…
Q4 Market Insight and Commentary
Rising Rates and Weakening Global Growth May Hamper the Post-Election Stock Market Rally Patrick Henry,…
Special Market Update – September 2018
Tug of War Weakening Global Economic Growth and Positive Post-Election Historical Trends 2018 has been…
2018 Mid-Year Market Observations
Here we are, midway through 2018 and we have an economy that is performing well,…
When Too Much Confidence Becomes A Concerning Thing
Sir John Templeton, one of the greatest money managers of the past century was famous…
Weatherstone Capital Management Special Market Update 2/3/2018
This past week the stock market, as measured by the S&P 500, wrapped up its…
2018 Outlook
Welcome to 2018! Despite the expectations for 2017 being a year of above-average volatility due…
A Good Time to Go Abroad
One of the biggest challenges that we as investors face is our own natural tendencies,…
Economic Growth is starting to Disappoint
Economic Growth is starting to Disappoint Since the conclusion of the Presidential Election last November,…